Vape Shop (Ol’ Yellow Fingers)

Ol’ Yellow Fingers

Vape Shop

A creative Vape Shop radio script developed specifically for an E-Cigarette Retailer, Vape Store, or Vapor Company that has an incredible variety of products to suit your vaping needs. A friendly employee at [Client Name] Vape Shop talking with a snarky and abrupt old-timer about the benefits of e-cigarettes.


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Vape Shop (Ol’ Yellow Fingers)

Ol’ Yellow Fingers

Vape Shop

A creative Vape Shop radio script developed specifically for an E-Cigarette Retailer, Vape Store, or Vapor Company that has an incredible variety of products to suit your vaping needs. A friendly employee at [Client Name] Vape Shop talking with a snarky and abrupt old-timer about the benefits of e-cigarettes.

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Vape Shop (Choices - Cold Turkey Is For Sandwiches)

Cold Turkey Is For Sandwiches

Vape Shop

A creative Vape Shop radio script written for an E-Cigarette Retailer, Vape Store, or Vapor Company that can help smokers quit while still enjoying the sensation. Listeners call into a radio show to share their desires to quit smoking, to discover that [Client Name] Vape Shop is a better option than trying to drop the habit altogether.

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Vape Shop (Choices - Cold Turkey Is For Sandwiches)

Cold Turkey Is For Sandwiches

Vape Shop

A creative Vape Shop radio script written for an E-Cigarette Retailer, Vape Store, or Vapor Company that can help smokers quit while still enjoying the sensation. Listeners call into a radio show to share their desires to quit smoking, to discover that [Client Name] Vape Shop is a better option than trying to drop the habit altogether.

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Vape Shop (Choices - At Your Fingertips)

Choices - At Your Fingertips

Vape Shop

A straightforward Vape Shop radio script written specifically for an E-Cigarette Retailer, Vape Store, or Vapor Company that has an incredible variety of products to suit your vaping needs. Out of all of the choices you've made in life, visiting [Client Name] Vape Shop to get away from tobacco products may be one of the best ones.

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Vape Shop (Choices - At Your Fingertips)

Choices - At Your Fingertips

Vape Shop

A straightforward Vape Shop radio script written specifically for an E-Cigarette Retailer, Vape Store, or Vapor Company that has an incredible variety of products to suit your vaping needs. Out of all of the choices you've made in life, visiting [Client Name] Vape Shop to get away from tobacco products may be one of the best ones.

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