Tax & Bookkeeping (Life Less Taxing)

Life Less Taxing

Tax Services

A light-hearted radio campaign developed for a local Tax Services Specialist. Face it, not everyone is a tax expert. While you have you own area of expertise, the fine folks at [Client Name] Tax Service & Bookkeeping are the ones who can ensure your tax forms and submission is done right.


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Return The Favor

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Tax Services (Return The Favour)

Return The Favor

Tax Services

A straightforward radio campaign series for a local company offering tax services. You work hard to make your money and plan how to spend it, so let [Client Name] Tax Services work hard for you to maximize your tax return. We also have this campaign fully produced. Preview it here

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Don't Do Your Taxes

Tax Services

A light-hearted radio campaign developed for a local Tax Service. They come around the same time every year. Just like death, taxes are inevitable. So maybe it's time you just stop doing them altogether. Yes, you heard me correctly. Stop doing your taxes ... and have [Client Name] Tax Service do them for you.

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Tax Services (Horror Movie)

Story Time

Tax Services

A series of Tax Service radio campaign in the form of mini-stories developed specifically for Income Tax Preparation or a Tax Return Filing Company. Entertain your audience while at the same time reminding them that [Client Name] Tax Service is working hard reviewing and submitting your tax return so that you can relax.

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